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We established range of Double Block and Bleed (DBB) large bore pipeline ball valves will save you space and weight, reduce potential leak paths and minimize maintenance requirements on both new and existing pipelines. We offer a range of valves from 1″ to 16″ in either full or reduced bore sizes, in ASME pressure Classes from 150 to 2500 and API ratings up to 10,000 API. Both soft and metal seated options are available.

These valves are designed to offer a single valve solution, which in most cases will fit in the same space as a single ball valve to ASME B16.10 overall length, but giving true double isolation for maximum safety and reducing process problems due to valve leakage. The compact design saves weight, space and reduces costly installation charges.

All valves are designed and tested within the requirements of API 6D, ASME B16.34, API 598 and ASME VIII. Material certification to BS EN 10204 3.1 or 3.2 and unique serial numbering system ensures full traceability on all our valves.

Our Rigorous In-House Testing Facilities

All Our Valves are tested in accordance with our own high performance test specifications, which operate above and beyond the requirements of ASME B16.34, API 598 and API 6D, ensuring quality and safety are paramount.

Our state of the art test stations allow larger valves to be tested easily, accurately and quickly on water, air and gas media. We can also offer fugitive emission testing to ISO 15848 and perform firesafe testing to ensure all our valves are certified to API 607, API 6A and ISO 10497. We also have facilities for low and high temperature testing to meet customer requirements.

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